Welcome to FreeBird Associates
Our vision is to support organisations to be the best they can be.
Our passion is delivering learning that educates, informs and inspires.
Our values lie in empowering learners to be curious, confident and competent.
We believe in the power of learning to make a positive difference to peoples’ lives.
January 2025
Happy New Year to one and All, I hope we all find the resilience to thrive, be happy and have plenty of laughter throughout 2025.
You may notice that our logo of Centre of excellence has now be removed from our website. Dont panic it's not because stances have slipped, but the endorsement run by skills for Care has now ceased. It has been replaced by the government funded Quality Assured Learning Service.
As far as Freebird is concerned this is currently only relevant to the Licensed Skills for Care programmes we facilitate, so I am resally delighted to say, we are amongst the first organisations in the Country to receive the QACLS Mark, which we will be using on all the Skills for Care programmes materials.
We will be facilitating a Lead to Succeed starting in February in Cornwall, so if you would like some more information please do get in touch.
September 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to Freebird’s latest newsletter. This month you’ll find updates on the new Adult Social Care Learning and Development Support Scheme (LDSS) ie, funding, one day we may just have a straight forward title!
Also dates for Adult Safeguarding for Managers ( virtual ) as well as the revamped Lead to Succeed.
The government have finally announced the replacement of the WDF. Ive attached the link to the guidance here : Guidance LDSS.
The guidance does state that the fund is not bottomless, this was always the same for WDF, but it does say that it will be distributed on first come first served bases. The key is to register for the new fund as soon as possible. Here is a very short questionnaire to complete, the link is within the guidance document under “How to claim”.
The eligibility is the same as in previous years, ie, ASC provider, and compliant with the workforce data set managed by skills for care.
However, Skills for Care are no longer managing the fund, hence the need to register for the new fund. Claiming will also be different, the main change for Freebird customers is that we are no longer able to invoice you once you have received the funding as you have to prove you have already paid for the course at the time of claiming the fund.
if this going to cause any organisation difficulties please do get in touch. I can’t promise we can change it, but at least we can let the Government know the fund is not helping where it is most needed.
Lead to Succeed.
I am really please to announce the return of Lead to Succeed and what’s more it is eligible for the new LDSS funding This programme has remained popular over the years. I believe this is due to the practical application of the learning: it's meaningful to practice, and those attending quickly see a difference to the way the lead and manage ( for the positive i hastily add :)) Making it an ideal programme for those new to a leadership role, such as Team Leaders, deputies, but also for Registered Managers, who may have not done any leadership learning previously. Its probably my favourite of the 3 longer leadership programmes we run.
The programme has been up dated to included national changes to practice, in particular CQC assessment framework.
£500 pp which claim be reclaimed via LDSS
Dates and times :
30th October, 7th, 13th, 20th, and 27th November ( please note 7th is a different day of the week due to venue availability)
9:15 registration 4 pm finish
venue & Bookings::
The Victoria Inn, Roche
For more information or for a booking form please email: info@freebirdassociates.com
Adult Safeguarding for Managers: Virtual course. 23rd October (9:15 - 1pm ) Now Full
Due to the increase in demand for Adult Safeguarding for Managers and leaders. I am please to announce there is a virtual programme running on 23rd October 2024. via Zoom.
9:15 reg 1 pm finish
Cost is £35 pp. This will be going up to £40 pp fro November.
And finally. Remember if there is anything I can do to support your organisation with Learning and development, give me a shout and we can work together in find Learning and Development solutions that work for you.
Take care of your selves
Hope to see you at a course soon :)
info@freebirdassocates.com 07541041386
Newsletter August 24:
Funding update:
You may have read / heard the government statement published the 30th of July 2024 with regards the adult social care training and development fund.
“Whilst the adult social care training and development fund will not be taken forward, we still intend to provide funding for adult social care learning and development, with the budget maintained at the level we spent last year. Further details about how and when this would be administered will be shared in due course.” Stephen Kinnock, Minister of State for Care.
So whilst it’s not great news, it’s also not as bad as it might be. Because of the Summer recess, we will not know when the funding will be available, what it will cover and most importantly how it will be claimed until after the summer.
I am obviously keeping my fingers crossed that the Leadership licensed programmes will be covered and that I can put them on soon.
New Offers from Freebird:
External Auditing:
As many of you know during the Leadership programmes I often talk about the need for effective auditing, for it to be meaningful and not just a tick box.
I am pleased to be able to offer external auditing, mapping to the 5 key questions and quality statements. Packages start from £500, so please do get in touch if you would like more information.
The other topic that is close to my heart is Supervision. As a qualified Coach at master’s level, I advocate a coaching approach to supervision. Freebird has been delivering “Coaching in Care “a half day programme using Coaching skills for effective supervision, for a number of years. I am hoping to put this on as a face-to-face session this side of Christmas. The cost will be around £50pp and I anticipate the venue to be in the Roche area (just of the A30)
I also offer external supervision / coaching. A valuable resource for those managers / leaders who do not get any supervision themselves. Costs from £40 ph (depending on location / face to face or virtual.)
A little word about virtual learning.
Many organisations and individuals choose to attend virtual learning as it is so convenient, and accessible. However, some people view it as less important than face to face training and has resulted in me adding to our usual learning agreement.
By doing any Virtual sessions it is expected you agree to abide by the following
• Registration will be open 30 minutes before the programme starts to give you time to log on and solve any technical issues prior to the course starting.
• you will be expected to be logged on no later than 5 minutes before the programme starts.
• you will be expected to be free from distractions. Phones and emails to be switched of and a suitable quiet place so that you can engage with the programme and not be disturbed will be ideal.
• if you are joining with colleagues in the same room, please use one device as there will be interference if
two or more are logged on in the same room.
• Cameras to be switched on at joining, mics to be muted.
Please accept my abruptness in defining behaviours around virtual learning. Rather than people becoming more confident in using virtual platforms, it feels as though virtual learning is seen as a tick box. Your time and that of your team members is valuable and I want you to get the most out of the learning.
Ongoing Courses:
Adult Safeguarding for Managers I have just finished updating this programme. Following feedback, I have decided to “retire” the workbook. This does mean the course is now 31/2 hours in duration and can be facilitated face to face or virtually. The updated learning out comes are cross referenced to C&IoS SAB competency framework.
By the end of the session participants will have had the opportunity to explore:
• Their own (as a manager) and their organisation’s role and responsibilities in Adult Safeguarding work.
• The effectiveness of their organisation’s systems, policies and procedures in embedding effective Safeguarding work in their teams.
• The relationship between risk assessment, the individual’s right to autonomy and improved wellbeing.
• The principles and process of section 42 enquiry including Caused enquiries.
• the importance of challenging poor practice at intra and inter agency level.
The 2 x Virtual Managers dates in September are full. But if you would like to be added to the expressions of interest register for either face to face or virtual please let me know.
Adult Safeguarding for Front line workers and MCA
I am currently updating both Adult Safeguarding for Front line workers and Mental Capacity, principles in practice. I plan to offer these both face to face and virtually (again there will be no workbook).
I regularly facilitate the frontline workers for single agencies, but can facilitate multi agency, especially good if you have a small team. Let me know your needs and I can be as accommodating as possible.
If there are any other programs you are interested in that you think I may be able to help with, then as always please give me a shout.
July 2024
There’s been much change at Freebird, its been busy and unfortunately the website has not been a priority.
However, now catching up and the website is now at the top of the list :)
Corinne has taken the decision to step down from Freebird, due to on going health issues, so its just me ….Anna, incase you dont know us.
Freebird remains endorsed with Skills for Care as a Centre of Excellence until December 2024, when the endorsement process is changing. We also still hold the licences to facilitate the Skills for Care management programmes, The 1 day CPD programmes, as well as the longer, Lead to Succeed, Well Led and Leading Change Improving Care programmes. These have all been up dated / rewritten this year, with Freebird commissioned to rewrite the 1 day CPD programmes. They all evaluated very well during the pilot phase.
The programmes are with Skills for Care’s design Team and we hope to have the updated materials very soon.
As a lot of you will know the Workforce Development Fund, which these programmes were eligible for, ids being phased out and a new funding stream is suppose to be launched this summer. With a new Government this has unsurprisingly been delayed, but there is no indication that it is not gin g to happen.
So being ever hopeful I am planning on running a Lead to Succeed starting in October,( subject to funding being available) with a venue probably in the mid region of Cornwall, ( Roche, just off the A30). At the moment Im just gathering expressions of Interest, so please do get in touch if this is something you are interested in. 2nd June. Dates now published for our Skills for Care licensed programmes. Please see our page Skills for Care Courses for more information. Details are also in our June Newsletter. Get in touch if you would like to be added to our mailing list.
In other news I have 2 Virtual Adult Safeguarding for Managers programmes running 2 nd and 10th September ( 1/2 day programme with a workbook) price held at £35 pp, dont be fooled by the price, it is an excellent course. Freebird has always had a value of making learning accessible, Adult Safeguarding is to important to make it too expensive that people do not attend. Places are limited but if we get enough of an interest I will put another one on.
If there is anything I can help you with please do get in touch.
Hope to see you soon.
June 23
Bear with us, we have been rubbish at up dating our website. It does mean we’ve been busy doing great work, including becoming the only Cornwall based learning and development organisation to be awarded Centre of Excellence by Skills for Care.
We will update programmes / dates in the coming weeks, but please do get in touch if you want to chat about your learning needs. info@freebirdassociates.com
June 2022: We've had a few enquiries about the Skills for Care endorsed leadership programmes we facilitate in Cornwall.
We are planning delivering these again from September, we have a meeting with Cornwall Adult Heath and Social Care Learning Partnership (CAHSC) next week to discuss the direct funding and we are hopeful this can continue, but more importantly we haven’t had confirmation yet of the WDF, so its a bit of watch this space.
Following our meeting with CAHSC we are planning to opening bookings subject to WDF being confirmed.
In the meantime here are the PROVISIONAL dates, if you have any interest please send us a message and we can reserve places for you. If you are a care provider and dont know about WDF contact your Local Learning Partnership, it really is worth while.
Lead to Succeed:
September 7th, 14th, 21st 28th & October 5th
November 22nd, 29th, December6th, 13th, 20th
Managing self
September 6th
November 1st
Well Led
October 4th, 12th (please note different day of week) 18th & 25th
January 2023, 10th, 17th 24th and 31st.
Workplace culture
October TBC
January 11th
Leading Change Improving Care
November 2nd, 9th, 17th ( please note different day) 23rd, and 30th
January 2023 25th, February 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd
Performance Management
November 1st.
February 2nd
further courses are planned March / April but these dates will be released later.
As always if you have any queries, or want to discuss other learning needs, bespoke to your organisation please give us a shout.
Anna & Corinne
November 2021: We are delighted to announce that in addition to our current offer of Leadership programmes we are now able to offer a brand new programme from Skills for Care: Leading Change- Im proving Care. Programme starts 13th January. To find out more and to register for a place please use the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/leading-change-improving-care-january-february-tickets-198184975597?aff=ebdsoporgprofile
May 2021. As restrictions are eased we are pleased to announce that we will be offering more face to face sessions, including the Skills for Care licensed programmes as well as our own Safeguarding, MCA and Equality programmes. Due to how well received the virtual session have been we are still offering these as Safeguarding and MCA sessions as well as some of the licensed Skills for Care programmes. We are also looking to develop a virtual Coaching programme to support resilience as well as a face to face one.
If there are any programmes that you would like to see offered and aren’t currently then do get in touch to offer us some suggestions. Those of you who know us know we dont touch anything remotely medical, but do focus of all things that might be considered soft skills, but in reality the hardest things to consistently get right.
Confirmed dates:
Lead to Succeed Face to Face, Hub Club, Pool redruth. 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th June and 7th July.
Lead to Succeed virtual 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th July
Well led face to face , Hub club, Pool, Redruth 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd July.
Safeguarding Adults for Registered Managers, Hub Club, 21st July
If you want to know more drop us a line at info@freebirdassociates.com
March 2021 we’ve been very amiss at keeping our website updated, for that we are really sorry. It doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy…..Like everyone this pandemic has certainly presented us with some challenges, but forever being resilient and flexible we have weathered the storm. And count ourselves extremely lucky.
Most of our programmes went virtual, that in itself was a massive learning curve. But they have been successful, to the extent that in addition to our face to face offer, we will still be offering Safeguarding and Mental Capacity as a virtual option; we’re even considering continuing to offer a virtual option for the Leadership programmes.
We still have some places available on the Face to Face Skills for Care endorsed Well Led and End of Life Awareness programmes. If your organisation is ASC-WDS compliant and you are a member of a learning partnership there is funding available. Get in touch if you would like to know more. as always info@freebirdassociates.com
July 27th 2020: Wow! we’re still here!!!! What a few months we have all had. All our efforts have gone into supporting the Social Care Sector with a Fast Track induction. We are really proud of the work we achieved with partners from Miteria Training Academy, Cornwall Care and of course our Learning Partnership in Cornwall the fabulous CAHSC. In working together we were able to offer a fully funded fast track induction, tailored to meet the specific needs in Cornwall. Whilst this terrible virus is still there, we now need to find away to get “back” to what we usually do. We are very aware that not everybody is ready for Face to Face training, so we’ve come up with the following.
We heard last week that there is some Workforce Development fund available from September, so again we have been working with our Learning partnership and fellow endorsed provider Miteria to see how we can offer the Skills for Care endorsed programmes, ( Leadership and End of Life awareness) . Last year, SfC offered upfront funding for the leadership programmes, which increased their accessibility for many organisations. This is not available this year, however, we recognise the importance of it, and have been working with CAHSC and Miteria to find away of offering something similar this year. The details are still to be worked out and we may require a deposit to secure a place, but we are doing everything we can to make all the endorsed programmes as accessible as we can. With Miteria we are hopeful that across Devon and Cornwall we will be able to offer all the programmes monthly, either face to face ( no more than 8 learners to accommodate safe social distancing and other precautions) or virtually which will be 1/2 days “taught session, with some work undertaken before the session)
We are hoping to kick start the offer with the following from September, other dates ( and End of life awareness) to be confirmed:
Lead to Succeed: 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th September 1 - 4:30
Well Led: 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th September 1_ 4:30
Face to Face:
Lead to Succeed: 1st, 14th, 21st, 28th September and 8th October.
Well Led: 15th, 22nd, 29th September and 6th October.
To be eligible for the funding you must be ASC-WDF compliant with Skills fr Care, and be a CAHSC member.
Contact us for more details and to register your interest. info@freebirdassociates.com
Safeguarding front line workers and Managers, Mental Capacity Act:
Face to Face: 1 day (9.30am -4.30pm)
If you have access to a suitable venue, we could consider face to face facilitation for a whole staff team. This is dependent on whether your staff members work as a team (together) or as lone workers. If they are lone workers, this option is not currently possible under Covid19 restrictions, we are not currently offering these programmes face to face on a multi agency basis. You would need to source the venue and be responsible for ensuring it is ‘Covid-secure’.
Our charge for facilitation, provision of all learning materials is in the region of £500 per day (discounts are available depending on type of organisation, how many courses are booked and how far we need to travel).
Virtual Learning : ½ day, plus workbook
With this approach, learners are sent a workbook to complete before we facilitate a 3hr virtual session (1.30pm-4.30pm) via zoom. We run these sessions with a minimum of 4 learners and a maximum of 8 learners per session.
The cost for this is £35 per learner. Our cancelation policy is 2 weeks, so if people do not cancel before 2 weeks before the session and do not attend they will still be charged.
We are very aware that we work with people who have direct contact with those who are most at risk from experiencing more severe symptoms of the virus than the general population. So we have been very keen to ensure that we follow the scientific evidence and act responsibly. Also, you may be aware that Corinne herself is in the ‘vulnerable group’, and although the advice is that she doesn’t need to self-isolate at the moment, this may become necessary in the next few weeks as the virus moves towards it peak.
Therefore, we have taken the decision that we will continue to facilitate the courses we have in place, until we are advised otherwise. However, please ensure that, if you are attending, you follow all current advice regarding handwashing etc, and if you think you may be experiencing any of the symptoms of covid-19 please cancel your place. With regard to refunds in such circumstances, these will be decided on a case by case basis. We will aim to be as ethical and equitable as we can; however, if we need to cancel sessions due to large numbers of non-attendees we will need to cover our costs regarding cancelation of venues etc. If you attend without following the latest government and scientific advice, and are displaying symptoms, you will be asked to leave.
There is also evidence to suggest that ‘social distancing’ can help reduce the chances of infection, so Corinne in particular will not be giving or receiving hugs for the foreseeable future (virtual hugs are however, very welcome!).
We know this is a worrying time for many and if you want to discuss any training related issues in light of the current situation, please do get in touch.
February 2020 Learning programme 20202/2021 dates published in News.
Even bigger news: New funding for Registered Managers: check out the information under NEWS!
October / November/ December 2019: Dates for your diaries.
29th October: Managing self. Bodmin
4th November: Managing self. Redruth
20th November: 4 day well led programme starts. Lifton.
21st November. 5 day Lead to succeed programme starts. Bodmin
26th November: Performance Management. Bodmin
3rd December: Managing self. Liskeard
3rd December: MCA / DoLS, a managers perspective. Taylors.
9th December: Performance Management. Redruth
If you would like more information or to book a place, drop us an email. Remember if you have an ACS-WDS account, you can claim upfront funding for the Leadership programmes. Dead line will be beginning on December for upfront funding.
Dates for Adult Safeguarding are being confirmed, these will be published soon and will be January / Feb in the East of Cornwall and May in the West of Cornwall. These will be published on our Eventbrite page. http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/freebird-associates-13485036079
August 2019: Big news! we will soon be offering 4 more Skills for Care Leadership programmes, just as soon as the licences become available. These will include:
Well led, a 4 day programme for existing managers and
3 x 1 day CPD programme, Managing yourself, Performance Management, and Culture. Remember if you are ASC- WDS ( was NMDS) compliant, you can claim the cost back via the work force development fund.
We will be delivering the 3rd Cohort of Lead to Succeed ( a 5 day course for new and aspiring managers). September/ October cost is £400 PP and again if you are ASC-WDS compliant you can claim back £500!!! See the link on “Our courses” of course if you want more information do not hesitate to give us a shout.
WDF is ditributed nationally by Skills for Care and care partnerships are eligible to bid for funds for their area. CAHSC are the care partnership for Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly and Devon. It is a fund that is available to all adult social care providers in Cornwall, Devon and the Isles of Scilly, providing they are ACS- WDS compliant. If you want to know more about becoming ACS - WDS compliant contact CAHSC. elaine.dyer@cahsc-cornwall.org.uk or telephone 01326 567163.
July 2019 forth coming courses / events:
3rd July: Our friends at Desuto are offering a free 1/2 day workshop in Exeter on preparing for the Liberty Protection Safeguards, for more information and to book a place visit:https://www.tickettailor.com/events/desuto/264029
4th July MCA and DoL(s): a Manager’s perspective. Delivered in partnership with Taylors academy. To book a place please visit their website https://www.taylorsacademy.co.uk/shop/healthcare-courses/
9th July Adult Safeguarding level 3 (Fully booked)
10th July: CAHSC Outstanding Care Forum. Watch out on their website for further details.
22nd& 23rd July: End of Life Awareness. Bodmin. 2 day programme. £140 pp. full cost can be claimed back from WDF if NMDS compliant. Email us for more information.
24th July: Coaching in Care: Coaching tools and how to use them in supervision. To view details and to book a place visit our Eventbrite page: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/freebird-associates-13485036079
5thSeptember: Adult Safeguarding level 2. To view and to book a place visit our Eventbrite page. http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/freebird-associates-13485036079
11th, 17th, 24th Sept 2nd, 11th October. Lead to Succeed cohort 3:5 day programme £400 pp ( £500 can be claimed back from WDF if NMDS compliant). Email us for more details
8thOctober: MCA and DoL(s): a managers perspective. To view and to book a place visit our Eventbrite page. http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/freebird-associates-13485036079
May 2019 forth coming courses / events:
8th May: Outstanding Managers Forum, w are supporting CAHSC in facilitating a session on Advanced Care Planning. to book a place visit:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/outstanding-care-forum-reach-communications-training-tickets-60461896159?aff=eac2
13th May: Adult Safeguarding level 2: Bodmin. To view details and to book a place visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/freebird-associates-13485036079
16th May: Lead to Succeed cohort 2: Full. pleas email us for more information info@freebirdassociates.com
4th June: Mental capacity and deprivation of liberty for managers. including an update on the LPS. To view details and to book visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/freebird-associates-13485036079
New for June and July: Coaching in Health and Social care. To view details and to book visit:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/freebird-associates-13485036079
September: Cohort 3 West Cornwall Lead to Succeed.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you don’t see what you need, always very happy to discuss and look for personalised solutions to your learning and development needs.
January / February dates: email us to book a place.
Lead to Succeed:This 5-day programme explores how behaviours and practical strategies can support leaders and aspiring leaders in their day to day work, as well as considering how they could implement these behaviours and strategies, now and in the future.
Cost: £350 (NMDS compliant organisations can claim full cost back through the WDF)
EARLY BIRD OFFER:Sign up before 21stJanuary 2019 and pay £300 per place – you will still be able to claim £350 back through WDF.
Cohort 1: Callywith, Bodmin. Mid Feb - March
Cohort 2: Hub Club, Pool Redruth. May: 16th, 23rd, 30th/ june 6th and 12th.
End of Life Care:A 2-day programme which is linked to the National End of Life Core Skills Education and Training Framework.
Cost: £140 (NMDS compliant organisations can claim full cost back through the WDF, but this is only guaranteed until the end of March 2019)
Callywith, Bodmin: will run the end January TBC
Hub Club, Pool: 28/02/19 & 1/3/19
January 2019: following on from our endorsement by skills for Care we are delighted to share that we now have the licences to deliver Lead to Succeed and End of Life awareness. Two Skills for Care programmes that are eligable for WDF for NMDS compliant organisations.
December 2018: We are over the moon to share that we have been successful in becoming endorsed by Skills for Care.
October 2018: We are delighted to be working with Cornwall Adult Health and Social Care Learning Partnership ( CAHSC) to deliver a programme of Action Learning Sets for Registered Managers over the next few months. The project is funded by Skills for Care and we are already seeing some really positive results.
July 2018: Just a quick heads up that we are planning something very exciting with Cornwall Adult Social Care Learning Partnership. Watch this space; more news very shortly!! :-)
April 2018: We are pleased to confirm that we are now offering a Train the Trainer Adult Safeguarding level 1 programme. See details and how to book on in "Our Courses" section.
March 2018: Amazing news! We won Outstanding Learning and Development Provider at the recent Cornwall and Isle of Scilly Care and Support awards. We are over the moon...
February 2018: We have become members of Tick review programme; run by Cornwall Adult Health and Social Care Learning Partnership ( CAHSC) it gives attendees of learning and development courses the opportunity to rate both the course provider and the course content in terms of knowledge/learning gained, impact on practice and quality and value for money. Critical feedback is so important to ensure we are facilitating what delegates want / need, so will be asking everyone attending one of our courses to evaluate us using Tick. The link can be found here: http://www.cahsc-cornwall.org.uk/tick-review/
November 2017: As you may be aware, our contract with Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board to deliver Multi-Agency Adult Safeguarding Training has now ended, and we are currently unaware whether it will be re-tendered or what form any new tender might look like.
However, we are continuing to deliver the Safeguarding and MCA courses although, as there is no funding available, there is a charge for attendance.
You can book places by visiting our Eventbrite page:
If you have any queries, or would like further information, please contact us at: